…“So much of respect is tied up in knowing not to ask; but I’d move a mountain for just an hour. You can never know just how far you’ve come until you look back.
You never talked about your dreams, except for ones of portent and those that felt trivial and quaint. Those thoughts echo in my head so many times. Nonetheless, some years have gone by and I finally understand what “Live a little” finally means. Sometimes those simple dreams are the thing that keep the lights on in your heart. Allows your feet to hit the ground out of bed and with unyielding determination stand vigil against…well all of it. I wish I knew what to ask you, I wish I had the words. I guess the irony of life is that you are never ready to shoulder the stories of that past until the opportunity is long gone. Maybe that's the point. Maybe the point of our dreams is just to get us to take the next step until we arrive wherever it is that they are supposed to go. Dreaming is a sacred duty and I think out of all of us, yours was the biggest. Look what God brought out of Monroe St.
Thanks Annie Mae,..”
Excerpt from: “Hey Grandma,”