….“First, thank you for the pictures.
I must apologize, because in the same breath of thanks, I have many times been critical of your name and actions. Having seen the same limited and mal-informed decisions myself. Drawing the same card from the same deck of mangled and limited decisions. Broken promises and a world filled with undelivered resignations littering every corner you tread upon like ticker tape after the parade. What is a man when the world only leaves you the decisions and cast of villains, nerdowells, and thieves? A Black Man trying to navigate the world when the only reception you receive is in disdain; sometimes you can leave that burden at the door, sometimes it comes home, tells you it loves you and calls you brother or son...or crazy. I Digress. The word basement has always been laden with shame. I never want one, because I am afraid I will become it’s sole occupant, like you before me….”
Excerpt from: “Dear Uncle Curtis”…