
” The Lysol Scandal”, 2020, Ballpoint, Ink and Watercolor on Paper, 4” x 6”

” Binge-Worthy”, 2020, Ballpoint and Ink on Paper, 4” x 6”

"I promised God when I returned to this space, I would be different. But, instead, it was the space that had changed...and I was still the same. Still waiting for something, anything to happen.", 2019, Charcoal, Graphite, and Watercolor on Lenox 100, 4.5”x 9”

"I've sat here for hours; this light on, till dawn. Trying to figure out why I let this go on as long as I did. Truth is...well, maybe someday I'll be strong enough to say that aloud.", 2018, Charcoal, Graphite, and Watercolor on Lenox 100, 12”x5”
Ceramics by Jono Pandolfi | middle images shot at Aro Ha